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EsF Workshop Series: Empathic, Nonviolent Communication in Montessori Communities
Mar 29
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About EsF

EsF is committed to transcending borders in order to serve children through innovative educational initiatives using Montessori principles and practices.

Our Story

Educateurs sans Frontières is part of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) and was founded in 1999 by Maria Montessori’s granddaughter, Renilde Montessori.

Educateurs sans Frontières strengthened the focus on applying Montessori principles beyond the classroom.

Vision and Mission

EsF strives to promote the rights of the child throughout the world, irrespective of race, religion, political and social beliefs. EsF is committed to transcending borders in order to serve children through innovative educational initiatives using Montessori principles and practices.

EsF prepares individuals to carry out the broader social mission of the Montessori movement, deepening their understanding of the needs of humanity and the development of the child by revisiting Montessori principles and practices from the perspective of society at large.

The vision of EsF is to support educational initiatives through mentorship and resources, guiding them towards sustainability, expansion, and replication.

EsF builds capacity by connecting Montessori teachers, advocates, students, schools and organisations with communities, social entrepreneurs, local officials and policy makers in order to improve the visibility and credibility of Montessori education as well as its availability and access.

When Montessori principles are applied in the wider context of society, their possibilities are vast and all encompassing.

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We advocate for children’s rights

EsF recognises and will support the capacity of each and every child to grow to their full potential.

We draw our inspiration and commitment from the work of Maria Montessori, and from the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We recognise that many children still suffer deprivation, discrimination and exclusion and as a consequence lack the opportunities to grow to their full potential.

Commitment to a Sustainable Future

"Children are capable from birth of developing themselves through their own experiences in response to their environment. Education from birth should offer children a framework for self-directed, life-long learning through meeting their developmental needs.  We create for the children a developmentally appropriate and engaging environment in a diverse and inclusive multi-aged community, where children and adults are collaborators and role models.  All humans have an innate drive to fulfil their highest potential. In supporting that potential on an individual level, we enable the development of contributing and peaceful global citizens responsive to the diverse needs of society."

-2011 EsF Assembly, Dallas Declaration

Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF), a programme of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), is a network of Montessori practitioners, working with communities, governments and other partners to advance human development from the prenatal stage to early childhood care and education, continuing through to elementary, adolescence, adulthood and the elderly.

EsF promotes education as an “aid to life”, working to strengthen a culture of peace and global citizenship. We firmly believe in education that promotes resilience and adaptability in a rapidly changing and interdependent world. EsF aims to accomplish this through outreach, capacity building, and advocacy in communities, including with indigenous peoples and other vulnerable populations like those affected by poverty, displacement, and discrimination through equitable, inclusive and quality education that respects and celebrates diversity of cultures and languages. We promote the development of life skills and sustainable living for individuals, families and communities while recognizing the interconnectedness of socio-ecological systems.

Education guides intentions and informs actions required to support and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are by nature interrelated. We recognize the foundational role of education in reaching these goals by empowering individuals and communities through whole-person lifelong learning “for the full realization of their rights and capabilities” (Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).

Educateurs sans Frontières supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their entirety, particularly Goal Four on equitable, inclusive, quality, universal and free education. We commit to contributing to the achievement of the goals of Education 2030.

AMI is associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations and works in partnership with UNESCO.

Association Montessori Internationale (AMI)

AMI empowers teachers and communities through Montessori education, helping children develop their potential to become capable individuals who make a difference in the world.

Founded by Maria Montessori, AMI is the steward of the Montessori educational approach developed over 100 years ago, building upon her work applicable in every setting and with each child, without compromising the integrity of the approach.

AMI’s Scientific Pedagogy Group, together with the broader AMI community, promote and continue the study, research, and reflection of Maria Montessori’s work, ensuring it remains contemporary and aligned with current insights in child development and education. This ensures that AMI teacher training and Montessori education consistently meet the highest standards of implementation across the globe.

AMI supports Montessori training in four areas:

- Montessori Education
- Montessori for Dementia, Disability & Ageing
- Montessori Administrators
- Montessori Sports

Watch on Youtube:
How the Montessori approach prepares children for a life of caring


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